Thursday, December 20, 2012

the cold

I saw a newscaster on television who got the lucky task of covering the festivities celebrating the end of the Mayan calendar in sunny Mexico. He said about 70-80% of the tourists were there to party. Hope he enjoys himself, because I would. Sun and warm weather sounds so good. I'm so ready for the winter solstice. These short days are hard, the nights too long. Some nights I try to pick out constellations like Orion and Cassiopeia, but the cold mostly keeps me inside.
when I see stars, that's all they are (fun.)
Tomorrow I'm going to go out early and finish Christmas shopping. I don't want to stand in lines this weekend. Speaking of giving, I love sending out cards. I'm a card snob. Last year I bought fabulous Winnie the Pooh ones and wrote little messages. No money for expensive cards, so this year my sissy gave me some. Beggars can't be choosers, but low card scores for me this year. Maybe not as low as the one that appeared on our garbage cans, which was signed from the thrashman (last year it was the tashman). I really should forgive that, because what point is there in holding someone's spelling mistakes against them?

I love my blue drop waist dress from Urban Outfitters; I only wish it had long-sleeves. Not sure if I can winterize it without suffering. I'll experiment tomorrow. The weather forecast for Saturday is windy. Wind in the winter is no wind in the willows; it makes me cry.

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