Sunday, February 24, 2013

i'll tell you the ways i try to escape

I've let stress run my life, meaning that when I'm not doing paperwork or confronting difficult life decisions, I choose total escapism. Through books of course. I swear, I've read a book a day for the past week. These are by no means what I would consider good books. A good book isn't can't be skimmed or speed read. A good book forces me to accustom myself to the pace of a different world. No good books this week, I've been searching for the perfect light rom-com novel, which is surprisingly hard. Not since Jennifer Crusie have I found a so-called "romance" author who doesn't waste words with needless description and write cringe-worthy bedroom scenes. I'm all about good dialogue.

I watched a 6 episode British series called My Mad Fat Diary (2013). Most girls/women relate to body image issues, and everyone who's lived through their teenage years can relate to teenage issues (boys, clothes, friends, boys, frenemies, music, sex, boys). The show is set in 1996, which gives it extra points, even though that meant I had to google some of the references. I pronounce MMFD the second best British television show I've ever seen, surpassed only by the first two seasons of Misfits (2009); Misfits wins for sheer cheek/shock value/dialogue/plot.

Today I stepped away from total escapism and managed (after I read an entire book) to go for a jog. I took along the dog, who entertained me by failing spectacularly at chasing deer. Short jog, so I added on sprint drills. It's rare that I actually run. It feels good.

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