Monday, July 7, 2014

seo in-guk appreciation

Going back to work wasn't so bad. I was caught up by about 2pm. At least it was constant work so I didn't get bored. Is any job going to be one that doesn't bore you, at least some of the time?

High School King of Savvy is really hitting all the right notes with me. I appreciate Seo In-guk a lot more now. This is the 3rd drama I've seen him in. He's 26, so practically my age, and playing a high schooler who has to fill in at work for his older brother who's 28.  All I see is when I look at him is the adult in beautiful suits. Wow, he's growing on me :-).

Source: weheartit
He looks so young and modelly here! Can I have my own makeup team to give me a makeover? I'd be so gorgeous. Guess I'll just have to figure it out myself.

Oh, also I tried the hinge app and nothing much has happened yet. I think it's because I only have 5 facebook friends who use it and they're all from undergrad so I keep getting all these preppy white guys. I had a great experience in undergrad but nowhere in the great part of that experience was preppy white guy included. Out of 20 guys, only 5 of them were some type of minority. Doesn't bode well...

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